8:53 AM


Stay alone at home today haiz...very boring nia~ Around 2pm++ go out collect cloths then see a piece of paper on the ground that sent by post office,ask me go shemelin there take my stuff. WTH!!! I already pay the shipping fee ler~(actually I am still in dream,when the postman come)then I ride motorcycle without lesen to the location. Hehe...this is my first time ride motorcycle to a long distance place,damn dangerous lo (>.<)

At night,go shopping with my mummy,hehe...got sales ler~ then I buy 2 jeans "snail original and bum" costed RM 120,quite valuable (^.^)
After shopping thought want eat Kim Gary with my mummy,but last call already when we go there (=.=") then I fetch my mum back home first before I go to have my dinner myself,cause my mummy ate jor. I try to ask someone accompany me,but get reject jor~lol...sure scare me jor,maybe I say want chase her before...haha!!! Then drive alone rounding and keep rounding,really dont know what to eat ler (@.@)
Then go back home watch drama after that...sleep lo! stupid! muahaha!!!


傻婆维维恩 said... @ July 26, 2009 at 8:17 AM

i dun thk she sked lo
mayb jz reli tired nehx

Ansonboy said... @ July 27, 2009 at 3:34 AM

I think she sked lo~ cz keep reject me (>.<)