2:02 AM

Modern Home 09


Working there with Ivy,YY,Xue Ting(newbie), and Jazz. We are selling curtains and blinds in the fair. Today as usual they talk many rubbish with me,like“ you "suka" ???,or ??? "suka" you (=.=") ” Really dont know why they always talk this topic with me when see me,even in school my coursemates also said like that,this all must thanks to MR.YY lo (~.~) some more Xue Ting(newbie) also said like that (=.=") the worse thing is she keep bullying me also...OMG! really felt I'm like a rabbit that be surrounded by a group of monster,damn horrible (>.<)

I met a ex-school mate who was working there also,then me,YY and him(lppl) go to take our lunch togather and talk "lampa topic" (@.@) but quite funny,haha!!!

After work,our boss treat us eat ler~haha...finally can "wad" them a meal liao,muahaha!!! Anyway thanks boss (^.^)

In summary,quite happy today,and then can meet some new friends there also,but when back home,I need to face the stress from work and study again...ah!!! (>.<)