8:18 AM


Yeah~finally weekend come,I thought today is my rest day,but unluckily I get a call from my partner that he need a hand from me...Haiz...really sienz ler~

When I reach my office,I order a Boston Cheese cake to eat and waiting my partner come (^.^)
My Lunch
Not Bad (^.^)

Stay at office till 10++pm,then go to watch movie with my friends at Pavillion.
We reach there around 12++am,There is a long movie line...Ish!(>.<)Many tickets movies sold out when we reached there...then we "cincai(random)" take a movie(Monsters VS Aliens) to watch it.

When the movie run about 1/4 way,I falling to sleep in the cinema,it is because of too tired,but not because of that movie not good.
Why I say the movie not bad?
Because I can hear people laughing "kuat kuat" while I am sleeping (>.<)

We went back home arount 3++am (~.~)