7:41 AM


Today is my Material paper,haiz,really dont know how to do,cham lo (>.<)
God let me pass this time ba,pls~

Do revision again at night at MU MCD,really want to faint already...always go MCD,MCD,MCD (@.@)

Small piggy,is it look like someone? (^.^)

Got part time job, RM 6 per hour ler~
And "unlimited burger to eat"...

After revision is about 2am++,then we go to somewhere around Jalan Ipoh there to have our "supper or breakfast?",we order fried rice,alcohol lo mee,and fuxking mee.

~Taofu car~


傻婆维维恩 said... @ September 8, 2009 at 9:18 AM

d pig so cute.~
eh eh..
mcD not good mehx??
nice nice lehx

Ansonboy said... @ September 8, 2009 at 2:41 PM

yalo,look like u ma ^^

erm...good de,but hor avday go thr ler,fat fat ad ><

u still owe me a MCD meal ler~~~dun try to run away~