4:47 AM


Wah! I really felt tired today,this is because I overnight in my friend's house last night to prepare my Digital & Microprocessor exam paper...

Is this calling “临时抱佛脚”(Hug The Buddha Leg In Last Minute)? Lol...

After finish my exam paper,and my lunch,I can't bear anymore then directly went back home and sleep...Zzz...

About 7 hours gone,I take my next meal“hokkien mee”...
Wah! the mee really really...expensive + bad taste + small(>.<)
I swear i won't go there to have my next meal anymore!!!

Tomorrow is holiday...haiz...no planing.
What can i do! What can i do?

I really hate holiday!!! Cause i don't want be alone...be a lonely guy(>.<)