6:47 AM



This is my first time play paintball in my life. I feel so excited + abit scary,because heard from many people said that will feel very painful if get shoot (@.@) in fact erm...okoklo~
We reach the location around 11am++,the direction so complicated,make me so blur~ (>.<)

Safety Zone

Maker = Gun
Why not air gun? = air pistol...haha (=.=")
Bullet which make by oil

Before the game start,a worker come to give some briefing.
Leng zai boh?
My partners (^.^)
Is me!me!me! (^.^)
Me not bad too (^.^)
War zone
Get head shoot (~.~)

Very tired and painful after the games. Tired is because we need to run,hide,creep when in waring,but girls only stay at the behind and keep shooting,reason is they scare pain (>.<)
Another is painful,cause I get shoot many times,many part of my body also get bruise,the worse part is my head,which shoot by my teammate from behind to my uncover part of head,damn pain sia!@#$%#^&* then my head become more bigger liao (>.<)

We take our lunch at(dont know what the place calling already)
But hor~very very nice to eat! (^.^)


regina said... @ August 9, 2009 at 2:52 AM

wei..nx time bring me go oso la...since ancients they said wana go go go, til nw oso hvn realize lehh..isshhhh..wait us bck, then v all go 2gth ok??hehe

Ansonboy said... @ August 9, 2009 at 3:20 AM

lol~ but really pain 1 ooo~
sure get bruise.