8:43 PM |
Wong Kok Char Chan Ting |
12 years ago
What a boring + hot New year day again, "Boh Bian" then go watch movie "The Wolfman" at Time Square with my friend, after that go Sungai Wang shopping and having dinner at Pavilion. Night, We go Yoke Seong's house "bai nian" and play poker, hehe...win jor abit (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
My hometown is located somewhere at Malaysia, It is just a small village in Kuala Selangor, near fire flies resort there. Actually I dont know how to introduce my hometown, I just know that there got many trees, animals, and many many "blood sucker" (>.<) Erm...only two words to descibe my hometown, that is "Natural Life" Posted in | 0 Comments »
问卷表发下来,同学们一看,只有两道题。 [ 转自铁血社 1、他很爱她。她细细的瓜子脸,弯弯的娥眉,面色白皙,美丽动人。可是有一天,她不幸遇上了车祸,痊愈后,脸上留下几道大大的丑陋疤痕。你觉得,他会一如既往地爱她吗? A、他一定会 B、他一定不会 C、他可能会 2、她很爱他。他是商界的精英,儒雅沉稳,敢打敢拼。忽然有一天,他破产了。你觉得,她还会像以前一样爱他吗? A、她一定会 B、她一定不会 C、她可能会 一会儿,同学们就做好了。问卷收上来,教授一统计,发现:第一题有10%的同学选A,10%的同学选B,80%的同学选C。第二题呢,30%的同学选了A,30%的同学选B,40%的同学选C。 “看来,美女毁容比男人破产,更让人不能容忍啊。”教授笑了,“做这两题时,潜意识里,你们是不是把他和她当成了恋人关系?” [ 转自铁血社 “是啊。”同学们答得很整齐。 “可是,题目本身并没有说他和她是恋人关系啊?”教授似有深意地看着大家,“现在,我们来假设一下,如果,第一题中的‘他’是‘她’的父亲,第二题中的‘她’是‘他’ 的母亲。让你把这两道题重新做一遍,你还会坚持原来的选择吗?” 问卷再次发到同学们的手中,教室里忽然变得非常宁静,一张张年青的面庞变得凝重而深沉。几分钟后,问卷收了上来,教授再一统计,两道题,同学们都100%地选了A。 教授的语调深沉而动情:“这个世界上,有一种爱,亘古绵长,无私无求;不因季节更替。不因名利浮沉,这就是父母的爱啊!” 看了,想了,懂了,别忘了世上最爱我们的人就是家里的父母。想家了给家里打个电话,过节了给父母发条短信,父母其实很容易满足的,我们一个小小的举动就能给父母带来无限的感动。 Posted in | 0 Comments »
Today my program "SIBEH" full, First, go to do facial, then go tinted my car, because cannot bear for the UV + HEAT nowadays!!! My car really like a oven when I get in the car, beh tahan arh!!! (@.@) After tinted my car, I rush to attend my brother's partner dinner. There got "abalone, shark fin, shrimp, and etc" Look so luxurious right? But all is vegetarian...haha (^.^) Join my friends watch 72 tenants when finish my dinner... very enjoying in a happy day (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
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![]() Universal Soldier: Regeneration action is mostly held inside of a nuclear factory with a crap load of terrorists and 3 super soldiers (unisol). Since the unisols seemed to be steroid powered they arnt easy to take down. The only way to kill them is to basically destroy the main organs. So, when you have 3 super soldiers, terrorists, a mad scientist, and our government. Can you guess what we get? If you guessed a shitty plot, but pretty decent action scenes. Then you are correct my friend. The plot includes Fighters from Russia taking over a nuclear reactor site and threatening to blow up the reactor to release radioactive clouds that are supposedly 100 times worse than Hiroshima. To prevent this catastrophe the Russian terrorist is willing to release the world leaders two children, and stop the bomb. For the release of one hundred imprissoned allies. Which to me seems pretty reasonable. We also have a mad scientist that was hired, because of his expertise with unisols. ![]() Posted in | 0 Comments »
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