10:10 PM |
Second Holiday |
12 years ago
Out going shopping + movie with friends today, we watch HAUNTED UNIVERSITIES at Time Square, erm...quite horrible, but very blur on what the movie showing (=.=) Posted in | 0 Comments »
First holiday mood, seem like free, but...need to bring car to service then go meeting... What a holiday life...haiz~ Luckily found one leng lui accompany me shopping after I meeting, not bad not bad. We just shopping for a while, then rush to help my father buy handphone... cause his handphone lost in somewhere~ hehe...he so syok la, got new handphone use (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
Wee...finish exam already, Finally can go relax and release stress during this holiday (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
Working day again...ish (>.<) Go to Ikano to continue my work that I havent finish yesterday, Shit...make me "dulan, dulan, and dulan" want me go there again (=.=) Finally meet that guy, my first impression is this people really "beh ki" ~ Even supervisor there also have a same opinion with me~ Haiz...tomorrow still got 1 paper, and I still havent study at all...how ler? Who can help me? GOD please help me (>.<) Chinese Drum Posted in | 0 Comments »
Working on Saturday even during the exam time... but no choice, cause need to feed my dear (^.^) 鬼叫你穷啊,顶硬上啊! My first station is at Bandar Kinrara Giant, so after I finish my exam and my breakfast, then rush to there. Around 4pm, after finish my stuff there, I go to Ikano to take picture. Hehe...my job is just take picture, arange promoter to certain shopping center and do some decoration on my company booth (^.^) I really "dulan" with the promoter there, cause he never inform us when he back early, then make me wait him about 1 hour ++ at there... (=.=) Then "boh bian" lo... Gai gai in Ikano alone lu... Dont know is me stupid or there too big, make me lost in the Ikano (@.@) Posted in | 0 Comments »
幸福一直是自己争取的, 不是别人给的, 你给不了我幸福, 只有自己才可以争取幸福。 如果你不爱一个人, 请放手, 好让别人有机会爱她。 如果你爱的人放弃了你, 请放开自己, 好让自己有机会爱别人。 有的东西你再喜欢也不会属于你的, 有的东西你再留恋也注定要放弃的, 人生中有许多种爱, 但别让爱成为一种伤害。 有些缘分是注定要失去的, 有些缘分是永远都不会有好结果的, 爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好的去爱他。 在我的世界里,你饰演了最重要的角色。 可惜,我们此生的缘分就只足够我们成为知己吧? 不足够我们成为情侣。 原来所有的思念都是我自己的一厢情愿。 现在唯一可以做的,就是亲手将这份思念埋葬于心底, 然后闭上眼睛,为这份思念作出最深切,最深切的哀悼…… 对于难忘的你, 我别无任何愿望,我只想你过得比我好…… 如果有一天,你找到了你的幸福, 请不要告诉我, 因为我的心会疼。 如果有一天,我也找到了我的幸福, 请不要微笑着祝我幸福, 因为我的心也会疼。 我会重新生活,找回自我, 做个快乐的自己,让自己不再的寂寞和失落 (^.^) copyright... Posted in | 0 Comments »
Start working with my brother from now, the work quite easy nia, but need to go many shopping center lu~sienz~ What company I work for? Well it is a third party company which helping oversea company to promote theirs products, mostly is fruits types from USA California. Actaully I not really know what the company background, I just work for money only (^.^) First time went so many shopping, we went to Sri Hartamas, Bangsa, Cheras Carefour, Wangsa Maju Carefour...really tired sia (>.<) After finish work, we go eat rice, which located near Pudu there, Erm...totally quite ok, and not so expensive. Posted in | 0 Comments »
Long time dint been there already, it is really amazing long(The longest night market in Malaysia), and busy(people mountain people sea) We buy many food to eat, like fried crabs, fried taufu, fried mushroom, "龙须糖", meat balls, crepes(gan,when you only successful to make it ler?) Is it we really crazy on foods?...paiseh :p In conclusion, we gain many foods + weights, but lose many $ in the night market (@.@) Posted in | 0 Comments »
鍾嘉欣 - 日夜想你 作曲:鍾嘉欣 填詞:張美賢 編曲:杜自持@Bebop Music 監製:杜自持@Bebop Music 天色很光天窗何事總關起 風聲很多心聲全部關於你 我也試過痛了倦了都不想 放棄 真的緊緊相擁仍像假歡喜 假的瀟灑分開誰又真演戲 我有勇氣吻你就會很快樂 為何逃避 曾有過一秒 抱著於一起 忘記要怎樣抽離 曾經很開心 一分一刻 我會儲起 曾有過感覺 我未想講起 而秘密會屬於你 情感這東西 始終必須運氣 真的很多感觸如像小把戲 假的很多消息然後怎收尾 愛要有勇氣老實說偏顧忌 仍然逃避 曾有過一秒 抱著於一起 忘記要怎樣抽離 曾經很開心 一分一刻 我會儲起 如你我可以最後於一起 你會知道我日夜想你 從不想多講 只因不想累你 曾有過一秒 抱著於一起 忘記要怎樣抽離 曾經很開心 一分一刻 我會儲起 如你我可以最後於一起 你會知道我日夜想你 從不想多講 都只想保護你 能有這福氣 有幸識到你 才決定努力爭氣 從不講出口 這麼這麼為你 ***爱情不一定要拥有的, ***就算有多么的不愿意, ***就算有多么的不舍得, ***不属于你的就该放弃, ***只要对方开心就好了。 (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
人生是一段往前行的旅程 一站接著一站
每個過程都有令人難忘的點滴 有歡笑 也有悲痛 一點一滴築成一段段的回憶 錯過了就無法在回頭 失去了也無法找回 人生無常 有些人中途會離席 有太多無法知的事 天天都會發生 有時會覺無奈 亦會悲傷 也會掛念 人生說長不長 說短亦非短 旅途中陪你走過的人 都是一種難得的機緣 請珍惜你身旁的人 時時常保感恩之心 適時適度表達你由衷的感謝 珍福惜福 會更幸福 人生有許多關卡 每個都必需自己去闖 只要希望不要消失 堅毅到底 就能改變命運 就會有不同的結果 堅持自己的信念 即能渡過難關 你一定能 你就一定做得到 雖然現在她已經離開了妳 但這并不代表 你離開了這世界 你還有自己的一片彩虹 自己的的天空 失戀了 不要傷心 雖然 很痛苦 痛苦會有 但會過去 時間能沖淡一切 困難會有但也會過去 淚水會流但也會停止 不要猶豫與害怕 面對問題不迴避 這就是唯一的方法 加油 (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
![]() Synopsis: Halim and his family are blessed with happiness and wealth gained through his own growing business. On top of that, he has an understanding wife Nina who stands by his side and a lovely daughter named Tuti. Near Halim's home, there is an unrented house. Ever since the neighbour moved out from that house, Tuti sees mysterious happenings until a point where Nina begins to experience weird incidents that have never happened before. Nina's character soon changes drastically, where she becomes a lazy and hot-tempered person. Halim does not believe Nina and Tuti's story on the existence of the paranormal until one night; Halim rushes home upon hearing his wife being possessed. (Source: Cinema Online) But the movie totally look not bad, still got a large potential to improve, add oil, add oil our national movie (^.^) After movie, Karmun bring me go to SS2 "畏食街" to having our supper, there have a stall which selling "char kueh teow" very nice to eat, and the price not so expensive also (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments » |
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