11:34 AM |
笑一笑 (^.^) |
Muahahaha (^.^)
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Almost every Monday to Friday I need to wake up early of 6am in order to take the public transport to school,although my class start at 8am or 9am.
My school time table is really "celaka" for this semester,everyday also start from morning to evening,except Wednesday...Zzz Today is the only day in week that I can wake up lately(thx GOD!) As usual I take the public transport to school. Unluckly today I dont realise that the bus is coming,because I am busy typing the phone message while waiting the bus...so I just stare the bus pass by infront of me (>.<)Then I force to take a taxi to train station...haiz...so near also want cost me RM 3++,really big different with the bus...VAMPIRE (>.<) Long time dint see my celaka coursemates already,curious that how they look like and how to wasted theirs school holiday.Is it sleep at home everyday like me?Lol... (@.@) A very funny thing happen in school today,that is I get slap by my celaka coursemate,the reason is a mosquito stand on my face...Wth...shit him,weird! (>.<) My class finish at 6pm,after that I rush back to my house in order to change my cloth and then rush to office to work (>.<) I finish my job until 12am then go eat BANLEE BAK KUT TEH with me partner at Jalan Ipoh... Haiz...non stop today,If everyday is really like that,I am sure I will falling down in one day (@.@) I am really stress on my study and my career,what should I do!!! (,~.~) Posted in | 0 Comments »
一般所接受的说法是:传说端午节是为了纪念战国时代楚国诗人屈原,他在五月初五这天投汨罗江自尽殉国。但许多盛行于世的端午习俗早在此之前即已流传,而且不少都有驱瘟避疫的成分,故此有人推测,端午节源于对恶日(即农历五月,因仲夏瘟疫流行而得名)的禁忌。 北朝萧梁时期宗懔所著的《荆楚岁时记》,是一部中国古代荆楚地区的岁时节令、风物故事的介绍文集。在该书的第卅节里头记载着:“按五月五日竞渡,俗为屈原投汨罗日,伤其死所,故并命舟楫以拯之……邯郸淳曹娥碑云,五月五日,时迎伍君……斯又东吴之俗,事在子胥,不关屈平也。”认为端午竞渡是为了迎接已被当时人们视为河神的伍子胥,与屈原无关。 另外一种说法,学者闻一多指出,端午节最重要的两项活动——竞渡和吃粽子,都和龙有关(见《端午考》),可能是迎涛神祭图腾的习俗。相传古代中国南方吴越人(今江浙一带)认为自己是龙的传人,每年五月初五举行祭图腾仪式,以求来年风调雨顺、大丰收。他们把食物裹在树叶里或装在竹子里,投到江里面去。后来他们还有在这天划着独木舟拜访亲朋好友的做法。高兴时就即兴举行独木舟赛,慢慢演变成今天过端午节这种习俗。 民国28年,对日抗战烽火正燃之际,重庆文艺界抗敌协会为纪念爱国诗人屈原,于是议定每年端午节屈原逝世之日为诗人节。 在江南端午节是一个潮湿酷热的季节,这时百种毒虫开始滋生,从医学角度来说要吃雄黄酒来避邪。 意义 * 纪念伍子胥的忌辰(因吴王夫差将伍子胥的尸体装在皮革里,于五月初五投入大江)。 * 纪念楚国的爱国诗人屈原。 * 纪念东汉孝女曹娥救父投江而死(曹娥在五月初五投江,五日后抱出父尸)。 * 纪念秋瑾的就义。 Happy Duan Wu Festival too all of you, For those who dont no how to read chinese,please copy and paste to HERE in order to do translation. Sorry for any inconvenience (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
Really feel uncomfortable and bluring in whole day...ponteng school also,cause late wake up today,suddenly feel my life is so suck!!! (>.<)
Because of free and boring,so I keep thinking about my future and my relationship. Future = Money Relationship = Girl Why this kind of thing always hanging around in my mind? Is it a human being? Actually today is my friend's cafe opening,name "BABYLON CAFE" at kepong Jalan Rimbunan Raya. Renovation still have not done yet,just around 80% done...Curious right? Why open a cafe but the renovation still in processing? This is because today is a good day in chinese calendar lo... Environment = Comfortable Food = Nice to eat Price = Reasonable Posted in | 0 Comments »
Renion eat steamboat with my relative today,this is my first time talking so much with my relative...For myself I also duno wat happen with this...Lol
After that I accompany my mother go MidValley gai gai (^.^) After finished shopping in Mivalley,we go to AU2 Jusco take our dinner (^.^) Posted in | 0 Comments »
Me and my coursemate went to sing k yesterday at LowYat redbox,one of us is astro star participant...hehe (^.^)
The answer will be show in the video...have a look (^.^) We go to badminton after sing k...pro ler~ After that I rush to my friends farewell party at Korean Steamboat BBQ which located in Ampang...Phew... Then our second round was at Fun屋企,The cafe was really amazing,fall in love with the environment there (^.^) Get 10% discounts for those who wearing red on Saturday...but valid until end of MAY only~米走鸡哦!!! A very joyful day for me,because I used every minutes to enjoy my life in this day...thx buddies...Good luck for you (^.^) Posted in | 4 Comments » |
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